Want to start a side hustle? Here’s why now is the right time.

It’s 2023, and we’re settling into life after the pandemic. The last couple of years caused a major shift in the way that we live, work and learn, largely because we had to lock ourselves away from the rest of the world and live remotely. On top of that, many took the time to re-assess their work-life balance, with remote and hybrid work becoming the norm. Why? The extra hours we’ve claimed back from commuting. So it’ll probably come as no surprise that ambitious people have been turning those extra few hours into side hustles.
What is surprising though is the sheer number of new businesses and side hustles that have been started. 1 in 3 people now have some sort of side hustle, and that’ll increase to 4 in 5 over the next decade. And it’s also a generational thing with 60% of Millennials and 70% of Gen Zers wanting to start something in the near future. So while you might have one or two friends that have swapped their suits for aprons or joggers, pretty soon we’ll all be giving it a go! Let’s see if some of the points below will convince you too.
All that extra time
This is an obvious one. We just talked about those extra hours that you have now that you don’t have to commute into the office every day. The average journey to and from work used to steal 80 minutes of your day from you. That’s nearly 7 hours a week, which means if you’re working remotely, you’ve almost claimed an entire working day back for yourself - every week. Put that time to good use, and you can still make good headway on your side hustle without having to give up your weekends. To put things into perspective, most people spend between 14 and 16 hours per week on their side hustle, so you’re already halfway there without really having to change a whole lot. Starting now puts you ahead of all the other people who are waiting for the perfect time to ‘make the jump’.