Big Vitamin D Energy: Which Foods Have Vitamin D?

In a year where we’ve heard more health rumours than ever before, it’s important to separate the facts from the quacks.
Covid 19 has made all of us a lot more conscious of our health and one big issue being discussed is the importance of Vitamin D. But there are plenty of questions still circling around:
Does vitamin D protect against Covid 19? Why do we need Vitamin D? What foods contain Vitamin D?
Well here at Rassa we’ve sorted through the information for you, and we might even have a few recipes that could help you out as well!
Why Do We Need Vitamin D?
Vitamin D is crucial for absorbing the nutrients our bodies use to keep bones, teeth and muscles healthy.
So in other words, all the hard parts of the body keeping us walking, talking and eating get weakened and damaged without it (yikes).
As one of the only Vitamins naturally produced by the body, it may seem odd that we need to be adding more of it into our diet.
But many of us aren’t getting as much Vitamin D as we normally would and it’s all Coronavirus’ fault... but not for the reason you might think.
Social distancing, working from home and dark winter months have all meant we haven't been spending as much time exposed to sunlight - and it’s while we’re basking in the rays that Vitamin D is produced by the body.
Socially isolating inside + Miserable lockdown winter = Rickets
Does Vitamin D Protect Against Covid 19?
Well, yes and no.
Vitamin D is proven to keep the immune system strong and bolster the bodies defences against illness generally.
There have also been numerous claims from the world of science suggesting Vitamin D helps ward away the most googled word of 2020, but the correlation is really more likely to be related to the healthy diet and overall well being of the individual, as opposed to a lack of just one Vitamin.
The main reason why medical professionals are really pushing the importance of Vitamin D is because we’re simply not leaving the house as often, and getting in the sunlight we need for healthy calcium and phosphate absorption.
Covid 19 is far more dangerous to those with pre existing conditions, so making sure you’re not vitamin D deficient by adding it into your diet is undoubtedly a good place to start!